Run4YourLight is an exciting arena game where you compete to be the last one to survive.

Play with your family and friends, try to push them out of the arena and survive in your light.
But be careful, don't just stand in there or you might end up getting squished !

Run 4 Your Light is an exciting arena game where you compete to be the last one to survive.

Play with your family and friends, try to push them out of the arena and survive in your light.
But be careful, don't just stand in there or you might end up getting squished !

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Run4YourLight is an oneiric world with spirits of animals fighting through an eternal epic battle.

The simple mechanics make Run4YourLight very accessible for everyone and create friendly competitive environment. This leads to unforgettable moments to share with family and friends.

Players need to stay in theirs lights in order to not lose their life energy. Players can push other players out of lights and you can either play strategic or aggressive. Your playstyle makes the difference !

Our inspiration comes from a mix of games such as Mario Party, Fall Guys, Super Smash Bros. We added a sumo touch to the game that makes it funny to play and makes each round unique.

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We're working on improving the game and could use your help !

If you have a minute, please fill out this super short survey to help us prioritize what we should build.

Thank you for your input !

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Enter the arena

Spirits of Run4YourLight need your help to accomplish their destiny. Join the fight and help your favourite spirit !


Stay under your Life Ray to save your energy. If you run out of it, you will disappear into eternal darkness.


Take your chance in the ultimate fight and push your opponent out of the arena !

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Indie Game Nation Jury Award

Paris, February 2022

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